Sunday, June 30, 2013

Brevard Music Center Presents Operas "Greatest Hits"

June 30   Operas Greatest Hits at the Brevard Music Center   Students from the Janiec Opera Company perform arias, duets, and company pieces from some of the best-loved operas of all time. The afternoon also includes highlights of performances from our 2013 opera season. This annual event not only delights opera lovers, but provides a true showcase of the breadth of talent included in the Janiec Opera Company.

The Brevard Music Center - Each summer more than 400 students, ages 14 through post-college, join professional musicians to eat, breathe and sleep music for seven weeks. In addition to a rigorous schedule of instruction, students collaborate with faculty and guest artists in more than eighty public performances.

Get a link for the Brevard Music Center and other Brevard NC attractions HERE.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

An Appalachian Evening - Balsam Range at Stecoah Valley Arts Center

June 30   An Appalachian Evening - Balsam Range   A Bluegrass , Gospel and Country Music concert. All the fellows in the band grew up in the rich musical heritage of the Appalachian South, surrounded by culture and heritage steeped in traditions of The Grand Ole Opry…as well as the important influences of the Scotch-Irish settlers of the Southern Mountains, English ballads, Western songs…and tunes written by the band members themselves.

Family style dinner is available before the show for $15.95 for adults or $9.95 age 12 and under. Or you can get a lighter meal in the Schoolhouse Café in the main building.

An Appalachian Evening is
an annual summer concert series offered by The Stecoah Valley cultural Arts Center located at 121 Schoolhouse Road in Robbinsville (Stecoah) NC.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Live Concert Tonight in Asheville's Pritchard Park

June 27   Homegrown in Pritchard Park - John Wilkes Booth and the Black Toothe. Free performances by local singer/songwriters each Thursday between Memorial Day and Labor Day at Pritchard Park in downtown Asheville. Held from 6 PM - 8 PM and sponsored by 98.1 The River radio station.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Glorious Gospel this Weekend at The Blue Ridge Music Center

June 29      Blue Ridge Music Center: GLORIOUS GOSPEL - The Primitive Quartet / The Easter Brothers & The Easter Family. This afternoon concert provides a rare opportunity to hear two of the most renowned and respected gospel groups singing songs of soul-stirring praise together on the same stage.

Both the Primitive Quartet and the Easter Brothers have been singing for over forty years. Plus the younger generation of the Easter Family will prove they too are blessed with extraordinary musical gifts. Gospel singing workshop (mainstage) with the Primitive Quartet 2pm.

Learn how they write songs, create harmonies and sing with them. Free with concert ticket. Bring the whole family to this special all-gospel event. 3 PM - 7 PM.  $15 for adults, Children 12 and under free. For info on all shows and tickets call: (276) 236-5309 x112 or purchase online.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Lake Lure 4th of July Celebration

July 4 - Rumbling Bald Resort's 4th of July Celebration at Lake Lure    Enjoy a day and evening of family fun and activities from 8 AM until 10 PM on Independence Day.

The Boardwalk Arts and Crafts Sale
includes the works of local artists and crafters displaying along the Lake Lure boardwalk near the members' marina.
The Show and Sale will be held from 9 AM - 5 PM. 

There will also be a Kids Zone at the Beach, Fire truck rides and temporary tattoos, Bingo at the Pavilion and a golf cart parade.  KIDS GAMES INCLUDE:
  • 10:30 am - Water Balloon Toss (all ages) game court
  • 11:30 am - Rubber Ducky Sprint (under 12) Trout Stream Bridge
  • 12:30 pm - Frozen T-shirt Contest (all ages) game court
  • 2:00 pm - Water Balloon Toss (all ages) game court
  • 3:00 pm - Rubber Duck Sprint (under 12) Trout Stream Bridge
  • 4:00 pm - Frozen T-shirt Contest (all ages) game court
  • 4:30 pm - 6:00 pm - BINGO
The Beach Cookout begins at 11 AM and continues until 3:30 PM. Choose from hot dogs, hamburgers, chicken sandwiches or combos including chips and a drink.

The Tiki Bar and Ice Cream at the Cabana both open at 11 AM
and continue through 10 PM. Enjoy your favorite beverage or the traditional 4th of July treat, ice cream.

Evening Dinning includes a Pasta Dinner on the Terrace and a Prime Rib Buffet at Lakeview Restaurant. The pasta dinner includes
 Caesar Salad, Macaroni and Ham Salad, Seasoned Italian Snow Peas, Breadsticks, Vegetarian Lasagna, Blackened Chicken Fettuccini Alfredo, Baked Meatballs and Marinara - with Fresh Fruit, Cookies and Brownies for dessert. (Adults $14/Children $7.00).  The Prime Rib Buffet is  $24.95 for adults, Children 12 and under $12.95

End your holiday watching one of the best fireworks displays anywhere in the mountains. Take a fireworks cruise and view the display from the middle of Lake Lure, or, stay on land and watch the Color Guard
Presentation of Flags and Colors to the Star Spangled Banner followed by the Fireworks display over Lake Lure beginning at 9:20 PM. 

Get a link for Rumbling Bald's Lake Lure 4th of July Celebration, Lake lure lodging and other visitor information HERE


Monday, June 24, 2013

An 80's Buick Rolls into Sylva's Concert on Creek

SYLVA, N.C. - Classic Southern rockers Buick MacKane roll into Sylva on Friday, June 28, for a retro 80's performance at the Concerts on the Creek series.

The four-man band from Morganton will showcase its versatility by playing the first all-eighties set in the history of Concerts on the Creek. Lead singer Donnie Basham says folks attending the show, which runs from 7:30-9:30 PM. at the Bridge Park Pavilion beside Scott Creek, will hear an enjoyable mix of
hits from the new wave decade.

The set list ranges from REO Speedwagon to Tommy Tutone, from Motley Crue to Morris Day and the Time. "It's the main stream 80's stuff, with a few hair bands mixed in," Basham explains. "We play the Flock of Seagulls, we do a Bon Jovi montage, and some John Cougar Mellencamp. A taste of everything, and some dance music too."

In addition to lead vocals, Basham plays keyboard and acoustic guitar. Jody Isaacs is on drums, Chris Singleton plays bass, and Wes Cullars handles lead guitar. "Wes is the youngest member of our band, at 24, and a great guitar player who can play anything from the 1980s, especially Eddie Van Halen," says Basham.

The performance by Buick MacKane is the fifth in a 14-week series of free concerts held Friday evenings from 7:30-9:30 PM in the downtown Sylva park. "We just recently played our hometown Friday evening concert series and there were a lot of people there to hear us," says Basham. "These type shows are probably our favorite."

Concerts on the Creek are produced by the Jackson County Chamber of Commerce, Town of Sylva, and Jackson County Parks and Recreation.  For info about the concerts, call (800) 962-1911, or go to:

Get local visitor information the Sylva NC Visitor Guide.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Guided Bird Walk Today at Chimney Rock Park

June 23   Simon Says Guided Bird Walk: Summer Birding   at Chimney Rock Park.   During the summer, dozens of species of warblers breed in the Park. Join world-traveled expert Simon Thompson to see and hear these feathered friends, including Worm-eating, Swainson's, Black-and-white, Hooded and Yellow-throated Warblers.

The summer-resident Scarlet Tanagers and Wood Thrushes will likely be singing and establishing their territories. Chimney Rock is an official site on the NC Birding Trail and hosts the region’s premier fall migration birding event, Flock to the Rock on Sept. 21-22.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Annual Singing on the Mountain this Weekend

June 23   Singing on the Mountain  Now in its 89th year, the “Singing” is a day-long country gospel convention held out-of-doors in a meadow at the base of Grandfather Mountain. The music begins at 8:30 AM and continues throughout the day, with a break at midday for the sermon.

Many families bring lawn chairs and picnics and make a day of seeing old friends and enjoying performances by top Southern Gospel groups. The 2013 speaker is Will Graham, grandson of Dr. Billy Graham. Scheduled music groups for 2013 include The Chuckwagon Gang, Michael Combs, George Hamilton IV, Terry Warren and The Cockman Family.

Admission is free, and camping (without hookups) is available on the grounds on a first-come basis.

Learn more about Linville NC and Grandfather Mountain HERE.

FREE Summer Music Concert Series Tonight in Todd

June 22, 6 PM - 8 PM   Todd's Free Summer Music Concert Series   A FREE summer music series in historic Todd, NC. The series has become a tradition in Todd over the last decade and features some of the best known musicians in the region and a range of musical genres from blues to bluegrass to country. Bring a blanket, a chair and your family and friends.

Friday, June 21, 2013

NC Trains and Railroads: BBQ and Brews Dinner Train This Saturday

June 22 - Great Smoky Mountains Railroad, 226 Everett Street in Bryson City NC  - The First ever Barbeque and Brews Dinner Trains featuring locally hand-crafted beer from Nantahala Brewing Company and Heinzelmannchen Brewery plus slow-cooked authentic North Carolina Barbeque.

The train departs Bryson City Depot at 7 PM and returns at 9 PM traveling through the scenic mountain countryside to the Fontana Trestle for a spectacular sunset.  The base ticket price is $69 (adults over 21 only) and includes a souvenir tasting glass with three beer samples and a meal of pulled pork, homemade coleslaw, kettle chips, fruit and key lime pie. Additional beer will be available for purchase.

Nantahala Brewing Company will be sampled on June 22 and July 6: Heinzelmannachen Brewery will be sampled on June 29 and July 13.

Learn more about the Great Smoky Mountains Barbeque and Brews Trains and other GSM Train rides and events on the Bryson City NC Visitor Guide.


Mountain Spirits: Avery County Beer and WIne Festival this Weekend

June 22   Avery County Beer and Wine Festival,  the The Blind Squirrel Brewery  and area breweries and local vineyards kick off summer in the High Country. The fun starts at noon so bring your lawn chair or blanket. This event is FREE and features local wineries and breweries offering free tastings with the option to purchase.

Food will be available for purchase and provided by the Toe River Lodge. Entertainment and activities include live music, corn hole toss, fly fishing tutorials by Rivers Edge Outfitters, craft vendors, disc golf games, and much more.

The Vance Toe River Lodge is located at 4716 South US Hwy 19E in Plumtree NC - between Linville and Spruce Pine. 

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Camp at Chimney Rock Park this Weekend

June 22 - 23   Chimney Rock Park's Great American Backyard Campout®  To celebrate the National Wildlife Federation’s Great American Backyard Campout®, Chimney Rock Park hosts an annual campout at Chimney Rock limited to 40 guests.

Don’t miss this special night of camping out under the stars with a bonfire and s’mores. After a taste of rock climbing, we’ll take a night hike with our Park naturalist to see what goes bump, or howl or screech in the dark. Bring the whole family for an evening of fun.

Chimney Rock Park is named for a 500 million-year-old giant granite monolith overlooking Hickory Nut Gorge. Visitors are awed by the breathtaking view that spreads 1200 vertical feet beneath them and 75 miles across the Carolinas. The now state owned park encompasses 1,000 acres offers the best of the mountains in one place with spectacular 75-mile views, hiking trails for all ages, a 404-foot waterfall, a variety of special events and much more.

Learn more about Chimney Rock Park, local rentals and visitor information at
Chimney Rock NC

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Blue Ridge Music Center Presents The Kruger Brothers and Buckstankle Boys

June 22  - Back by popular demand at the Blue Ridge Music Center: The Kruger Brothers and Buckstankle Boys.  Raised in Switzerland, but with a large, loyal following of fans in the United States, the Kruger Brothers will bring their all-star group to perform the Hot Pickers Concert at the Blue Ridge Music Center this Saturday.

The concert also includes the award-winning Mt. Airy stringband the Buckstankle Boys. Jens and Uwe Kruger have performed as an acoustic group worldwide for more than 30 years on guitar and banjo, embracing a wide range of styles. About a decade ago they were joined by bassist Joel Landsberg to form the acoustic trio known as the Kruger Brothers.

Their virtuoso playing and warm stage presence makes their music uniquely special which is why the Kruger Brothers are one of the most popular, acoustic performing groups in the nation. Their musical makeup is diverse and comprises individual tastes, classical European musical influences, and a love of the American spirit. Combined, the result is what can only be described as new American music.

The Buckstankle Boys are steeped in rich, local bluegrass and old-time traditions. On this night the group will feature Andy Edmonds on fiddle/vocals, Seth Boyd on banjo/vocals, Todd Hiatt on guitar and Chloe Mylet on bass. The Buckstankle Boys learned their bluegrass/old-time music from some of the best older generation players in the Blue Ridge. This band's powerful sound will show their musical mountain heritage is in good hands.

The Hot Pickers concert starts at 7 PM and doors open at 5:30 PM. Tickets: $15. Children 12 and under are free. All ticket sales support the daily free programs and non-profit traditional music concert series. Advance tickets are available at the Blue Ridge Music Center, Barrs Fiddle Shop, the Galax Visitor Center, online at or by calling (276) 236-5309 x112.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Brevard Music Center Opens forthe 2013 Season

June 21   Opening Night at Brevard Music Center   for the 2013 season with Principal Guest Conductor JoAnn Falletta leading the Brevard Music Center Orchestra. The concert will feature Borodin's Overture to his opera Prince Igor, Prokofiev's beloved Suite from Romeo and Juliet and will close with 18 year old virtuoso Conrad Tao performing Tchaikovsky's powerful Piano Concerto No. 1.

Each summer more than 400 students, ages 14 through post-college, join professional musicians to eat, breathe and sleep music for seven weeks at the Brevard Music Center. In addition to a rigorous schedule of instruction, students collaborate with faculty and guest artists in more than eighty public performances.

The Center includes a 180 acre campus in the heart of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Established in 1936 the remarkable facility  has matured into one of the country's premier summer training programs and festivals.  For seven weeks, students participate in a vigorous program of instruction that includes ensembles, private lessons, and chamber music.

The 2013 Season Our 2013 season includes performances of classical masterworks including Tchaikovsky's First Piano Concerto, Stravinsky's Firebird, and Beethoven's beloved Fifth Symphony. The summer festival also features an outstanding lineup of guest artists ranging from rising stars of the classical world, such as pianist Ji-Yong and violinist Bella Hristova, to two of today's most celebrated soloists — pianist Jean-Yves Thibaudet and violinist Joshua Bell.

Advance purchase of tickets is recommended and several free concerts and events are offered. Check the website for details and learn more about Brevard NC HERE.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Music in the Mountains: Concerts on the Creek in Sylva NC

June 21, 7:30 - 9:30 PM -  Vinyl Brothers Big Band makes a return trip to Sylva's Concerts on the Creek Series this Friday. The 10-member Asheville band plays hits from the late 1960s to early 80s - a time when vinyl records were king. A centerpiece of their shows is a high-energy, five-piece brass section.

Sylva native and trumpeter Tim Gillespie says the group performs classic songs that are still played nowadays, but rarely in their original composition backed by horns. "We give songs that rich brass sound which makes them sound like they did originally," says Gillespie. "You don't hear a lot of horn sections anymore."

Folks who attend the June 21 show at the Bridge Park Pavilion beside Scott Creek can expect a set list of familiar tunes from acts like Chicago, Wild Cherry, Stevie Wonder, Wilson Pickett, The Commodores, and Blood, Sweat & Tears.  Adding further range to the set list is female vocalist Terri Lynn Queen, also a native of Sylva. Queen sings the hits of such legends as: Aretha Franklin, Tina Turner and Gloria Gainer.

The performance by Vinyl Brothers Big Band is the fourth in a 14-week series of free concerts held on Friday evenings from 7:30-9:30 p.m.

"We're really looking forward to performing at the concert series - particularly Terri and I," says Gillespie. "Having grown up in the area, we think this concert series is a great thing for Jackson County."

Concerts on the Creek are produced by the Jackson County Chamber of Commerce, Town of Sylva, and Jackson County Parks and Recreation. For info about the concerts, call (800) 962-1911, or go to:

Learn more about Sylva NC HERE.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

NC Art and Crafts Festivals for Father's Day Weekend

June 15   Art in the Park  in downtown Blowing Rock NC.  A juried arts & craft show featuring 90 artists held in the picturesque downtown park once a month from May to October. Some of the best local and regional artists and craftspeople showcase their handcrafted jewelry, pottery, fiber, glass, photography, painting and more. Prices for objects, from a handmade postcard to a large piece of furniture, range from $5 to $5,000.

 June 15   Art in the Park  in downtown Asheville NC.  Artisans working in Glass, Ceramics, Wood, Jewelry, and metal show and sell in a public market setting in the center of Asheville in Pack Square Park. The event takes place on three consecutive Saturdays each June and October. Nationally known artists exhibit at this event and the best part is- they are local. 10% of the proceeds from the event will be donated to a local art non-profit organization.

June 15   Beech Mountain Arts & Crafts Fair   Come browse a selection of high quality craftsmanship from local NC artisans. Fine art, mountain crafts and hand made goods and products.

June 15    21st Annual Main Street Antique Show   The Antique Show features Over 90 antique dealers offering quality antiques on Main Street in Historic Downtown Hendersonville. The Event will be held rain or shine. 9 AM - 5 PM.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Father's Day Weekend Event: Bluff Mountain Music Festival in Hot Springs

June 15   18th Annual Bluff Mountain Festival    Enjoy music all day featuring some of the region’s best Traditional Old-Time and Bluegrass Music, ballad singing and clogging followed by an evening Square Dance until dark.

Bring the family and the lawn chairs to enjoy a day full of music under the shade trees. Food will be available from vendors and the event includes a local arts and craft silent auction.

Get a link for details about the Annual Bluff Mountain festival and other local attractions and events on the Hot Springs NC Visitor Guide.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Father's Day Weekend Event: Wheels Through Time Museum Celebration with FREE Admission for Dads

June 15 - 16    Father's Day Celebration at Wheels Through Time Museum   This Father's Day Weekend, Wheels Through Time Museum will be holding a special weekend celebration honoring fathers and the influence of fatherhood in society. The museum will be offering free admission to all father and son (and father & daughter) visitors throughout the weekend.

The Museum will be open from Thursday-Monday during Fathers Day Weekend, from 9a.m.-5p.m. Special demonstrations of rare machines will be held throughout the weekend, including Dale's 1936 Harley-Davidson VEL -- a machine he built in 2009 for his own father, Bernie.

Wheels through Time Museum is located at 62 Vintage Lane in Maggie Valley NC.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Father's Day Weekend Event: Blue Ridge Barbeque and Music Festival in Tryon NC

June 14 - 15    19th Annual Blue Ridge Barbeque and Music Festival   The Blue Ridge Barbecue Festival is one of the area's biggest annual events with fantastic Barbecue, phenomenal music and incredible arts and crafts. Bring the kids, friends, family and more. No pets, no coolers. Held at at Harmon Field.

The Festival is FREE on Friday - come and stay all day.
The 2013 Festival delivers phenomenal lineups on two stages in a gorgeous venue for a low $8 admission fee. The collection of entertainers will provide two full days of outstanding music.  More than 20 performers and groups will be on stage at the Festival.

Also enjoy the Foothills Arts and Crafts Festival, held simultaneously with the BBQ Festival. The Crafts Festival is a juried fine arts and crafts show that has enjoyed a reputation for the range and quality of items for sale. With nothing manufactured or imported, this show is proud to offer festival-goers a best of the best art and craft shopping experience

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Father's Day Weekend Event: Chimney Rock Park FREE Tickets for Dads

June 15 -16   Father's Day Celebration at Chimney Rock Park  Buy one get one FREE Tickets. Make Dad's day special by bringing him to Chimney Rock for a day of scenic hiking or even guided rock climbing. Download the special coupon. Coupon must be presented to the Ticket Plaza at the time of purchase. Valid June 15-16, 2013.

Chimney Rock Park is named for a 500 million-year-old giant granite monolith overlooking Hickory Nut Gorge. Visitors are awed by the breathtaking view that spreads 1200 vertical feet beneath them and 75 miles across the Carolinas. The now state owned park encompasses 1,000 acres offers the best of the mountains in one place with spectacular 75-mile views, hiking trails for all ages, a 404-foot waterfall, a variety of special events and much more.  

Learn more about Chimney Rock NC HERE

Monday, June 10, 2013

Summer Cherokee Carnival begins this Week

June 11 - 15   Annual Cherokee Summer Carnival   This family-friendly event will feature carnival rides, music, games, classic carnival food and other great family fun. This five day event also features plenty of local food vendors as well as arts and crafts.

Get links for Cherokee cabin and vacation rental HERE.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Waynesville NC Hosts Appalachian Lifestyle Celebration

June 8   Appalachian Lifestlye Celebration   A full day celebration of mountain heritage, music, dance, craft, and Appalachian life skills. Educational and entertaining, the event features craft demonstrations such as basketry, wood carving, quilting, along with storytelling, traditional mountain music, clogging, and old time food vendors.

This event is held in downtown Waynesville NC.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Asheville's Popular Studio Stroll in the River Arts District this Weekend

June 8-9   Studio Stroll at the River Arts District   The first, largest, and most walkable tour of working artists’ studios in the region, the River Arts District Studio Stroll takes place in 19 historic buildings along the French Broad River.

There will be artists’ demonstrations and hands-on activities throughout the weekend. There is plenty of parking and you can catch the trolley at Riverview Station or any of the stops listed on the map. An Information Booth is located at the 5-points intersection of Depot St. across from Clingman Café.

Get a link for the River Arts District Studio Stroll and other Asheville art and craft galleries and shops on the Asheville NC Visitor Guide.  

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Blue Ridge Music Hall of Fame Induction in North WIlkesboro

June 8, 5:30 - 8:30 PM   Blue Ridge Music Hall of Fame Induction    The evening's performers include: Cindy Baucom, David Holt, Tut Taylor, David Johnson, and Eric Ellis. George Hamilton IV will be attending. Regional Musician and Sideman - DeWitt "Snuffy" Jenkins; Recording Industry - David Holt; Gospel Music - The Chuckwagon Gang; Promoter, Organizer, and Special Contributor - Cindy Baucom; Nationally Known Artist from the Region - George Hamilton IV; Pioneer Artist - Charlie Poole; Master Musician and Tradition Bearer - Robert "Tut" Taylor; Honorary Inductee - William Oliver Swofford.

The event is held at Stone Center for Performing Arts in North Wilkesboro NC.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Spring Rod Run in Cherokee

June 7 - 8   Spring Cherokee Rod Run   Considered one of the southeast's premier car events, don't miss the 2013 "Cruise the Smokies" Spring Cherokee Rod Run.

Well over 3,000+ car enthusiasts turn out for the weekend annually. See some of the nation's hottest looking cars while enjoying the scenic drives that the Smoky Mountains section of Western North Carolina boasts.

The event is held at the Acquoni Expo Center, 1501 Acquoni Road in Cherokee, NC.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

"Evita" Opens this Week at The Flat Rock Playhouse

June 5 - 30   The Flat Rock Playhouse Presents Evita    Evita tells Eva Peron's passionate and unforgettable true story, and features some of theater's most beautiful songs, including "Don't Cry for Me Argentina," "Another Suitcase in Another Hall" and "High Flying, Adored."

Performances will be Wednesday through Saturday at 8:00 pm; matinees Thursday, Saturday and Sunday at 2:00 pm. All tickets are $40 and can be purchased by calling the Playhouse box office at 828-693-0731, toll-free at 866-732-8008 or online. Discounts available for seniors, AAA members, military personnel, students and groups.

Get a link for Evita and other Flat Rock Playhouse performances on the Flat Rock NC Visitor Guide.

Monday, June 3, 2013

4th of July Getaway: Asheville Mountain View Rental

reserve NOW before it's booked!
Incredible mountain views only minutes to downtown Asheville - 4 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, sleeps 8. Hot tub, decks, fireplace, gas grill, piano, telescope, WIFI. Pet Friendly. $200 - $300 night, $1500 - $1600 week.   See rental photos, details and current availability

Get links for Asheville Restaurants, attractions, discount Biltmore Tickets on the Asheville NC Visitor Guide.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Summer Kickoff Today in Franklin NC

June 1   Summer Kickoff - held at Outdoor 76 on Main Street in downtown Franklin, NC. Outdoor 76 is joining up with Smoky Mountain Bicycles for a fun filled day for the whole family. There will be live music ALL day, bike demos, fly fishing demonstrations, cornhole tournaments, an adult tricycle race, kayak demos, disc golf putting competition and a treasure hunt for the kids.

There will be lots of give-aways and a cookout from 11 AM to 2 PM.

Get a link for the Summer Kickoff,  local attractions, restaurants and information on the Franklin NC Visitor Guide.